Saturday, October 6, 2012

Hydrology around Lake Tahoe
 Apart of the water table displays the level of surface water. Surface water consisits of water that flows into lakes. Little amount of ground water is found at the bottom of streams. Rocks, trees, and plant life show where ther water tables exists during the changing seasons.

Photo By: Parker Alexander


 Photo By: Parker Alexander
Physical Weathering
Pressure Roots are examples of how rocks and minerals break apart. Inside the rocks fissures, sand or clay particles gather. Seeds travel from birds or the wind into the fissures. With the sun and water, seeds grow roots into the cracks that expand the rock further. Pressure roots can have an impact to break a rock in half.
Lake Tahoe's Mass Waisting
Landslide in California, Lake Tahoe across Route 50.

In Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe, during an intense rain the permeable soil passed it's retention point allowing the soil to transport rocks and mud down the slope in a landslide.

Angular slope material that are not smooth or round are colluviums. Looking around the steep mountain sides colluviums are apparent.

Mass waisting can occur in falls. Rocks Falls form Talus, groups of fallen rock, that create the jagged look across the landscape.

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